Thursday, August 6, 2009

New MarsaL15 Banner!

This is the second banner I have made for MarsaL15! I'm so happy she liked the first one enough to come back and ask for another one for a different blog. She is so sweet, and I'm glad she loved this banner as well. :) On another note, GAGA Magazine will be released soon, and I am the head graphics designer for it. I am sooo excited!


  1. It really good.. Lv the black and white in the backround. :] Wud u be able to make me a banner?

  2. Yes! Message me on Stardoll with the basic details, my username is Halmonkey3.

  3. Can u remember making my banner? :]

    Just asking- Is it possibole that you make MAIN banner's for blogs too???

  4. You have to send me another message mkay?
